We love our drinks. We take sadistic pleasure in pelting our co-workers with the surprise rain of Nerf gun pellets. And our playstation maintains our sanity during our endless early morning renders. All necessities in the larger scheme of what we enjoy most - making things.
An eloquent gentleman once said that all good ideas come from brain farts. And it is to that end that we've designed our space around an air of fun, free and dynamic collaboration.
So whether its because you're in the area with time to while, or you're looking for someone to make something with, feel free to drop in, say hi, get shot and get drunk.
Because we welcome visitors anytime.
203a Henderson Road, #10-04
Singapore 159546
The following guidelines (revised 29th March 2022) delineated by IMDA and adopted industry-wide will remain applicable on our production sets.
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